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9 Sep 2009
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Band o' Bros at Holy Joe's
Desert Ministry: Here in the sands of Basra, Iraq, several members of the 34th Infantry Division have started a “Men’s Bible Study” – but on steroids. We read the book Wild at Heart by John Eldredge, and meet early Sunday morning to share our experiences and journey into our hearts. The theme is that men are genetically different, created differently by God, for a unique purpose. Common to each man’s purpose are three principles: Man wants a Battle to Fight, an Adventure to Live, and a Beauty to Rescue. We explore these principles and dig further: what wounds are we carrying? How perhaps were we denied validation as young men, what vow did we make to overcome that wound, and how has that wound and vow impacted our adult lives? Through sharing our journey, within a bond of confidentiality and the shared circumstances of war, we have built enduring friendships, explored our hearts, and struggled to piece together how this can make us better husbands and fathers. Our leader is Dr. (LTC) Dave Ronan, and he has done this before. In fact, I was pleased to learn that the Band of Brothers book and accompanying video series is very popular in deployed environments: Kosovo, Afghanistan, as well as previous Iraq deployments.

For me, I mentally weave this with an Army training program: Warrior Resiliency and Thriving. This is a mandatory sequence of training for soldiers after they have BOG (boots on the ground) for a few months. It challenges soldiers to look at their circumstances, the war around them, the stress of combat, and being away from their family. Will your deployment merely be spent counting of the days until you return? Or will you take up the cross, the sword, the opportunities before you to return from deployment a better person? Thus, the thriving: given the stress of what we’re doing, can you rise above it? It’s easier for some than others, and many are in such dangerous circumstances that survival alone is all there’s time for. But by challenging our soldiers to thrive, with a healthy level of stress, they return better people, better leaders, and better adjusted to the stress of combat. And isn’t that why we joined the military? To serve our country and be a better person.

Pictured above at Holy Joe's, L to R, are Commander Joe Dodd, LTC Henry Bass, LTC Dave Ronan, CH (1LT) Mike Lotzer, LTC Eric Andringa, MAJ Mike Feeney, and LTC Travis Voels. Not pictured: MAJ Chris Larson, who is enjoying leave this week.
Army Deployment , Family , General
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