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28 Dec 2008
What's up with CHU?
CHU: Container, Housing Unit. Pronounced like "chew." It's 1/3 of a mobile home, is what it is. Here's a closer look.
Army Deployment , General
posted by  henry at  13:44 | permalink | trackbacks [16]

28 Dec 2008
Best Wishes from the IRRegulators
The Individual Ready Reserve members of the 287th, us 12 plus many more in the 287th Sustainment Brigade consider ourselves the IRRegulators! We're a lawless bunch, but proud to serve!

Click for the larger version.

A SPECIAL THANKS to all the Cub Scouts of Pack 145 , The Boy Scouts of Troop 42, and the Employees of Automation Creations, Inc. for their fantastic video messages! VERY UPLIFTING!!! - regards, Henry
ACI , Army Deployment , Family , General
posted by  henry at  00:22 | permalink | trackbacks [68102]

27 Dec 2008
Records Off the Wall
So I got me an office, called Records off the Wall. Just leave a message, maybe I'll call...
Two wall videos from Iraq. First off, the TreadWall. A very cool item in the Camp Buehring (Kuwait) gym.

Next up is the Tallil Hard Rock Cafe (my name for it):
What you'll see is Rock Band projected on the T-Walls surrounding our living area. These huge T-walls provide protection in the event of mortars or explosions. But they also make a great projection screen, as these soldiers found out. They built a stage, turned off the parking-lot style light, and let them rock out!

Army Deployment , General
posted by  henry at  11:14 | permalink | trackbacks [64090]

25 Dec 2008
Merry Christmas from Tallil
To all my family and friends, Merry Christmas! Santa came 8 hours earlier here than the East coast of the U.S...he brought me a stocking filled with beef jerky, shampoo, socks, stationary, pringles, candy, a cookie, some candy and several toothbrushes!
We have several wonderful boxes of "any soldier" type care packages because the mail hasn't caught up with us yet. I only posted the APO address a few days ago, but don't lock that in yet! I'm in Tallil right now, but my job is going to be in another camp, serving as the Liaison Officer to our Sustainment Brigade.
I'll post more info once I'm safely there... so let's do a quick review of the hops so far:
1) in-processing for 2 weeks at Ft Jackson, SC.
2) Ordnance refresher for 2.5 weeks at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD.
3) Join the Kansas 287th already mobilized at Ft. Lewis, Washington. 6 weeks there.
4) Ft Lewis to Germany to Kuwait, where we stayed at Camp Buehring for 4 days (most units stay 10-14 days).
5) Buehring to Tallil, Iraq. Meet the commander and the support team here, and got my duty orders.

Five hops in 12 weeks. And number six is coming!

The Internet is super busy tonight, as you can imagine on Christmas. I'll circle back with more photos and hopefully a quick video on living conditions...and an ingenious way some soldiers are rocking out!
ACI , Army Deployment , Family , General
posted by  henry at  13:05 | permalink | trackbacks [155]

23 Dec 2008
Pack 145 in Kuwait
I couldn't leave a camp without getting the obligitory photo with my Cub Scout Support banner! This is in front of a customized T-wall. The 287th Sustainment Brigade painted it when they were in camp just 3 weeks before me. Each unit that comes through strives to leave their mark...So we thought up an "IRRegulators" wall design, but just weren't there very long to make it a reality. IRRegulators have a reputation for not making things happen!
Army Deployment , Family , General
posted by  henry at  08:17 | permalink | trackbacks [177]

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